this land
on a saturday summer this is america to me
the fog ghosting the shore and this frayed house permitting it
to me, it translates as such; field work
the privilege to pull the car off at the marsh’s trim hop out, at magic time and make myself a picture
tomorrow, and the next it will reveal itself in clashing forms this land
but for now in the seascape, outside the clam shack dusk knocking just this translation
… grace shed
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the 1943 publication of Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms paintings based on the 1941 State of the Union speech by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The paintings are Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear. Shanti Arts has dedicated the fall 2018 issue of their journal, Still Point Arts Quarterly, to writing and art that reinterpret the Four Freedoms for today. I am grateful to their editors for sharing This Land with their readers. The image above (which prompted the verse) was captured in summertime along route 133 in Essex, Massachusetts. Purchase print editions of the fall issue of Still Point Arts Quarterly and download a free digital copy here... Comments
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